Lucy’s Fish and Chips, Norwich Market



If there’s one new Christmas tradition I’d like to share with all of  you, it’s this.


The Battered Mince Pie, freshly fried while you wait at Lucy’s Fish and Chips (served exclusively at their second stall 61, on Norwich Market at the end by The Sir Garnet pub) and drizzled with a generous slick of heady brandy cream.


Now, I’m generally an advocate for fried food. From a battered British banger right through to Japanese tempura; via the juicy delights of a cheeky Pineapple Fritter.


But this takes ‘batter is better’ to festive new heights.


There’s something truly wonderful about the crunch of a good deep fry giving way to the soft, chewy amalgamation of batter and short pastry.


As you chew, the unmistakably fragrant taste of mince meat fills your mouth with a warming , spicy, sweet and citrus tang. A puddle of brandy cream gives a punchy contrast; cool from the fridge and smouldering with the sharp taste of booze.


Best enjoyed as you wander the market and take in the bustling Christmas spirit.



For more information about Lucy’s Fish and Chips, visit them on Norwich Market, Stall 61 or follow them on Facebook @lucyschips114norwichmarket.

Papaya Verte Pop Up, Norwich



Every now and then, a moment of pure, food joy happens. When your mouth waters uncontrollably and your eyebrows start to dance as you grunt; wordless noises of sheer enjoyment.


Today was one of those days for me.


Let me introduce you to this perfect, fragrant, steaming little bowl of Beef Pho made by Jaki aka Papaya Verte; an inspirational local pop-up cook and super club host, who brings Vietnamese food to Norfolk with an explosion of flavour and passion.





I can only describe the broth as magical in terms of its depth and flavour; floating a treasure trove of juicy beef shin and softly satisfying rice noodles. Stirred through this were spring onions, red onions, fresh chilli, mint, coriander and a hearty wedge of lime.


Being a condiment queen; I also added a squirt of Sriracha, because I literally can’t resist it, although in all fairness, it really didn’t need any extra oomph. Because this bowl on its own encapsulated a microcosm of texture and tastes that made my tastebuds rejoice with sour, salty, savoury and zinging, herby freshness.


On a freezing British December day, with numb toes and tingling nose, it literally felt impossible to imagine a dish quite as delicious and heartening. I’d be fibbing if I told you I’m not daydreaming about it as I write this.


So, I’m filing ‘explore Vietnamese cuisine’ among my resolutions for 2018 and I’m hoping that means enjoying more from Papaya Verte; whose supper club adventures also raise money for charitable causes both locally and in Vietnam. Check her out, follow her and embrace the spirit of nourishing your life with a diversity of flavours and cultural experiences that are right here on your doorstep in Norwich if you know where to look, listen and taste. Enjoy!!


For more information about Papaya Verte, follow on Instagram @papayaverte, Twitter @papaya_verte or Facebook @thegreenpapayasupperclub

Tasty House, Norwich Market



The picture above is Cambodian Noodle Soup, served by the wonderful ladies at Tasty House Norwich, with a beautifully pungent spoonful of kimchi. A real mix of Asian tastes, textures and colours that completely lifted a hurried lunch at my desk with a nourishing, flavourful flourish.


This soup had a warm, gently spiced scent, that floated up to my nostrils on a cloud of creamy coconut. Sweet white crabmeat nestled between delicate noodles and crunchy fresh beansprouts, with a cheeky sprinkle of peanut to finish.


My very first mouthful of Cambodian cuisine was uniquely fresh and savoury flavour, from lemongrass, galangal and garlic. Soothing turmeric yellow helped to give it a sense of being a cheerful  bowl of sunshine on an otherwise drizzly Norfolk day.


The hearty serving of kimchi on the side burst with spicy, salty, sour flavour and popped against the noodles with a fiery, chilli red colour.


As I licked my spoon and got back to work, I couldn’t help but reflect on what a special culinary education this dish represented; I like that Norwich market is able to provide such variety of different dishes from different cultures and countries. And I love that the women who work so hard to put these authentic, dishes together are so generous in their desire to share the magic of their culinary heritage.


… and whatever you do, don’t forget to stock up on speciality snacks and ingredients at The Orient Express Asian Mini Market while you’re here!


Visit for more information about The Orient Express Asian Mini Market in the heart of Norwich City Centre. Visit The Orient Express and Tasty House on Norwich Market, Row H.

Sahara, Norwich


Feast your eyes on the salad of your dreams.


This ‘picture on a plate’ is the glorious Arabic Salad from Sahara Cafe & Patisserie on Magdalen Street, in the fine city of Norwich. Think, velvety goats cheese tumbled amongst crisp salad leaves, sweet beetroot and salty olives.


Is your mouth watering yet? Oh yes; it does taste as good as it looks.


Sahara Cafe is another one of my favourite places to eat locally right now. To me, it’s a perfect lunch destination; serving a mouth-watering range of North African food and pastries, at great prices in a lovely relaxed venue. The huge original shop-front windows allow you to watch the unique hustle and bustle of Magdalen Street as crisp Autumn sunshine illuminates the cozy decor; a touch of arabic comfort and hospitality, in the heart of Norwich.


Service is welcoming and helpful and the spacious layout and cheerful, chilled out atmosphere makes it feel really family-friendly. Equally, it would be a lovely place to enjoy a little peace and quiet on your own, with a pastry or two, over coffee or a perfectly aromatic fresh Morrocan mint tea.


Not that you’ll want to stop at two pastries… the baklawa is particularly sticky and delightful and the next time I visit, I’m planning to try the Bradj – Algerian date and semolina cake.


Sahara Cafe also have a yummy looking breakfast menu, which can only mean one thing. Watch out for another review in the not too distant future!


For more information about the Sahara Cafe & Patisserie experience, follow them on Facebook or Instagram @SaharaNorwich or pop in and visit at 67-69 Magdalen Street Norwich NR3 1AA.



My First Ever Blog Post…

… let’s get stuck in and talk about today’s lunch!


The picture above is of a delicious Burmodian Chicken Curry from Tasty House on Norwich Market. Head to the middle of Row H and let a taste of Asia warm you up on a chilly Autumnal day. A curry like this is the most comforting of companions.


Silky, spicy coconut broth seeps lovingly into your rice and soothes your senses as you bite into tender chicken and juicy, sweet pineapple. Nourishing and tasty; this is pure soul food. You can almost feel your batteries charging up as you eat. I enjoyed mine, perched on one of the benches above the Undercroft; coat zipped up and hands gradually warming through, against the plastic takeaway box. Balancing my food on my knees, I watched the pigeons while I savoured every morsel.


While you’re deciding what you want from the Tasty House menu (changing daily but always including veggie and vegan options), you could easily be forgiven for losing yourself for quite some time in the sister stalls opposite; The Orient Express and its extension The Orient Express 2. Between these two stalls, which are filled to the brim with genuine, authentic fresh, frozen and store cupboard Asian ingredients, you can immerse yourself even further into an exciting and colourful food adventure with some expert guidance from the friendly and helpful team.


This gem of Norwich Market is not just special for its wonderful freshly cooked food. It also seems to magically host its own busy, diverse little community where hungry strangers come together. Whether it’s people who desire a taste of home and familiarity, or those, like me, who come for inspiration and to try something new; everyone leaves with a smile and a full belly or shopping bag.


A main course dish with a side of rice costs under a £5 so it really is a good value lunchtime treat. If you want to splash out a bit more, add on a delicious Thai Iced Tea and some spicy, salty and sour Papaya salad. Take away or sit down and eat at the stall and enjoy watching the world as it passes by…


… and whatever you do, don’t forget to stock up on speciality snacks and ingredients at The Orient Express Asian Mini Market while you’re there!


Tasty House is quickly becoming one of my favourite places to eat in the City Centre, so watch this space for many more lunch reviews here, as I munch my way through their wide range of dishes and share the joy with you along the way. 


Visit for more information about The Orient Express Asian Mini Market in the heart of Norwich City Centre.