Papaya Verte Pop Up, Norwich



Every now and then, a moment of pure, food joy happens. When your mouth waters uncontrollably and your eyebrows start to dance as you grunt; wordless noises of sheer enjoyment.


Today was one of those days for me.


Let me introduce you to this perfect, fragrant, steaming little bowl of Beef Pho made by Jaki aka Papaya Verte; an inspirational local pop-up cook and super club host, who brings Vietnamese food to Norfolk with an explosion of flavour and passion.





I can only describe the broth as magical in terms of its depth and flavour; floating a treasure trove of juicy beef shin and softly satisfying rice noodles. Stirred through this were spring onions, red onions, fresh chilli, mint, coriander and a hearty wedge of lime.


Being a condiment queen; I also added a squirt of Sriracha, because I literally can’t resist it, although in all fairness, it really didn’t need any extra oomph. Because this bowl on its own encapsulated a microcosm of texture and tastes that made my tastebuds rejoice with sour, salty, savoury and zinging, herby freshness.


On a freezing British December day, with numb toes and tingling nose, it literally felt impossible to imagine a dish quite as delicious and heartening. I’d be fibbing if I told you I’m not daydreaming about it as I write this.


So, I’m filing ‘explore Vietnamese cuisine’ among my resolutions for 2018 and I’m hoping that means enjoying more from Papaya Verte; whose supper club adventures also raise money for charitable causes both locally and in Vietnam. Check her out, follow her and embrace the spirit of nourishing your life with a diversity of flavours and cultural experiences that are right here on your doorstep in Norwich if you know where to look, listen and taste. Enjoy!!


For more information about Papaya Verte, follow on Instagram @papayaverte, Twitter @papaya_verte or Facebook @thegreenpapayasupperclub

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